Nominated For
GPS Mentee Award & PROJECTyourTALENT 4Business Award
Nominee Profile
Maria Olunloyo
My GPS Journal
3 Weeks Into GPS Mentoring
When I arrived at the first ‘Project your talent’ event, my thoughts were focused solely on my health & wellbeing business. I had spent several months getting use to the idea that ‘I am my business’, ‘I am the brand’, and that I should ‘work on my business, as well as work in my business’. So when the GPS Mentoring & Coaching Programme was mentioned, I recognised it was something I needed to work on, but I was unaware of how much!
Focusing on my business like many do, had made me miss the key ingredient ‘ME’!
Yes, I am my business, but ‘Who EXACTLY am I’? ’How much of this business is REALLY ‘ME’? These were questions I left the event with that needed to be answered. I enrolled in the GPS Mentoring Programme to find those answers, and by end of the 1st week, there was a significant shift, my focus had already switched to ‘ME’.
Now, after the 3rd week I ‘m thinking more deeply, questioning the motives behind what I do, and I’m taking more time OUT to understand me, so now my business is becoming a true reflection of me. The journey thus far has been short, but impacting. No one could have prepared me for this, you really cannot sell this programme or experience to people or put a price tag on it, you just have to go through it.
1 Year After GPS Mentoring
Now I can truly say that the GPS programme I enrolled on, goes far beyond a programme that teaches a set of principles to succeed for a period of time. It is designed (if practiced) to aid success for a lifetime. GPS helped to focus my mind in a new way of thinking, that has challenged and improved my relationships & my business.
I go into business relationships aiming to create fair synergistic partnerships, which has helped to and increase repeat business.
I set personal/business goals, and when challenges come, I stop, take time to evaluate, reassess, refocus and then move, I do not just give up!
I am now more confident in displaying, pursuing, developing my business style (a now true reflection of me), which has opened doors with repeatable organisations such as the FA.
This GPS journey thus far has been priceless!